Picture 2. "A peek from behind the cloaking device". Dwayne has been in Texas for several days preparing for the airship arrival. Challenges such as lack of hotel rooms due to recovery after the hurricane, no generators etc have all been met and solved by Dwayne.

Picture 3. "Official Federation Welcoming party beams aboard (a.k.a customs and immigration)". He joined our team about a month after we formed the company as a consultant, eventually became our first employee, and has been with us on the vast majority of this journey.

Picture 4, "From forward of the transporter room." I can imagine that it was quite a moment for him too after all this time and hard work. At this time of year, for the last ten years of so, Dwayne has been on the ground managing Fleet Week here in San Francisco.

Picture 5 "Federation Members watch as the force field (a.k.a ro-ro ramp) is lowered." This year, his fleet is a single ship, carrying an airship! Having gone from the Blue Angels to an airship is quite a speed adjustment! Thank you for being with us on the ride so far Dwayne!

Picture 7, "ghostly shapes in the transporter room"

Picture 8, "and from this day forth, they shall be known as.."
Welcome to America, #4!
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