Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Press Safety Briefing

The Ft. Lauderdale and Miami press receive a safety briefing before their flight.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Furthest South

We are now in the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area, and the furthest South the ship has ever been.

Weather permitting, we will be operating passenger flights over Miami and Ft. Lauderdale from the North Perry Airport this Weds thru Sunday.

To book a flight, call our reservations team at 650-969-8100.

Advance Team Ready

Thanks to favorable winds, arrival ahead of schedule.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Caution Sign

Not too often you see a caution sign like this!

We spotted it on the way to the field the other day on Florida highway 408.

Zen Moment

Scott from Tampa 9/Orlando 13 having a Zen moment.

First Orlando Briefing

First group of Orlando passengers being briefed on the field.

Over Lake Griffin

And passing Leesburg while headed towards Lake Apopka.

If lucky we may then finally make a pass over SeaWorld on the way to the airport!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Schlaff Gut

Putting her to bed for the night.

Landing Spotlight

About ready to land, Perry Florida

Rest Stop

Even airship crews need a pit stop now and then.

(Photo via Brian M. On convoy)

Dual controls

Just checked the zeppelin cam and spotted that our PIC Ben was taking a break (note the joystick) which presumably means that Kate is driving from the right seat....

Engineering reaches Florida

Matthew just sent this picture, they're all making good time today.


Reminder seen by the road convoy.

Old Amusement Park

Headed along the coast, an old amusement park (click image for larger version)

Perry Bound

Off mast 10:54am, headed for Perry Florida as the intermediate stop on the way to Orlando.

Street Art in New Orleans

Out and about with Ganji and Matt and we found a cool street vendor and liked her artwork. Just as we were about to spend our $20 ... Matt asked if the artist could paint a Zeppelin on the painting ... And after a bit of discussion ... she said yes.

So Matt drew an outline of the Zeppelin, the artist added it in, and then we did some final decorations ourselves before taking home our masterpiece!

(Story and photos courtesy Joanne)

Matt does a sketch of the airship for the artist to work from

The scene takes shape

Matt and Ganji do some final touch-ups

Matt posing with the artist

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Camera Work Completed

Camera work completed.
Ship on mast.
Challenges overcome.
Job well done.