Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oshkosh Spotters Card

An early start and a long day tomorrow, so here, a few hours early, the promised "spotters card" for the poster art...

We managed to squeeze in a few of my all-time favorites, the Horten IX (Ho229) flying wing jet fighter (1945), Wolfgang Späte's red Me163 "Komet" rocket powered interceptor (1944), and Manfred Freiherr von Richtofen's Albatros of Jasta 11 (1917).

If only we could get Northrop-Grumman to send the Ho229 replica -- currently housed at the San Diego Air and Space Museum -- to the show some day!

Also featured are some fantastic planes you'll see at the show -- from an example of the fine design work of Burt Rutan, to the legendary P-51 and B-17.


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