Sunday, June 26, 2011

Name That Part

Been a while since we have done this.

Be the first to correctly identify this part via blog post comment and receive a Farmers Airship souveneir (if you post with your id or leave a way for us to contact you).


  1. It's a partially bolated panendermic Fetzer valve, of course!

  2. Is it a aluminum / carbon fiber hybrid structure segment?


  3. Looks kind of like prop shaft from a 4WD drivetrain, but I'm guessing it's not exactly that...

  4. that's what you guys use to shoot bottle rockets out of , you know 4th of july fireworks

  5. I have to agree with Michael. It's a carbon fiber structural element to your airship. Another fine example of German engineering. Up Ship^

  6. diese Antriebswelle gehört zum Zeppelin NT und ist aus aus Kohlefaser. Sie werden in den seitlichen Antriebsgondeln montiert. Sehr leicht ca 1717 Gramm schwer bzw leicht. Wandstaerke ca. 3,8 mm und sind fuer einen maximalen Drehmoment von 900 Nm ausgelegt.Umdrehung max ca. 2700 / Minute.
    Nachzulesen im Zeppelin Hangar in Friedrichshafen am Bodensee
