Friday, August 27, 2010

Stillman Syrah

Stillman Brown sends us news of his latest creation:

Ladies, gentlemen and fruit flies, I hereby announce the release of the 2007 Zeppelin Winery Syrah, Monterey; it may be confusing to have a red Zeppelin on the label of a wine not made by "Red Zeppelin Winery" but the vineyards and winemaker are the same; only the artwork and trademark are new.  (Yes, I still make the other Zeppelin wines, of hue diverse.)  The new release isn't a WMD (Wine of Mass Destruction) as the finished alcohol is under 14%; our neighbor the Uber-Chef and advanced sommelier even accused it of being a food wine.  He finished the bottle, too.  (We served it at the "Wet Zeppelin II" dinner, amusing photos and comments are at )
The front label in all its glory is shown below, from a painting we commissioned by the awesome Adam Licsko.  The wine is all Bear Valley Vineyard from remote Monterey County, and is over 99% Syrah for once with bright red fruits, smoke and cedar, and the finish is long and spicy.  I'm keeping a weather eye on the weather for shipping purposes, but cooling trends are coming so kindly let me know if you'd like some.
I have not personally tried this new creation, but the last Zeppelin themed wine Stillman did, "White Zeppelin Voignier" was fantastic.

For more info, head over to his new website,

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