Sunday, August 29, 2010

Battle Wing 52

What an awesome site for our ground support equipment - next to a B52!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Plane Sight

Hal Mueller, developer of the iPhone aviation software Plane Sight, was able to join us for a flight in Seattle on our Great Pacific Northwest Tour. A pleasure, as several of us at Airship Ventures use his software.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Stillman Syrah

Stillman Brown sends us news of his latest creation:

Ladies, gentlemen and fruit flies, I hereby announce the release of the 2007 Zeppelin Winery Syrah, Monterey; it may be confusing to have a red Zeppelin on the label of a wine not made by "Red Zeppelin Winery" but the vineyards and winemaker are the same; only the artwork and trademark are new.  (Yes, I still make the other Zeppelin wines, of hue diverse.)  The new release isn't a WMD (Wine of Mass Destruction) as the finished alcohol is under 14%; our neighbor the Uber-Chef and advanced sommelier even accused it of being a food wine.  He finished the bottle, too.  (We served it at the "Wet Zeppelin II" dinner, amusing photos and comments are at )
The front label in all its glory is shown below, from a painting we commissioned by the awesome Adam Licsko.  The wine is all Bear Valley Vineyard from remote Monterey County, and is over 99% Syrah for once with bright red fruits, smoke and cedar, and the finish is long and spicy.  I'm keeping a weather eye on the weather for shipping purposes, but cooling trends are coming so kindly let me know if you'd like some.
I have not personally tried this new creation, but the last Zeppelin themed wine Stillman did, "White Zeppelin Voignier" was fantastic.

For more info, head over to his new website,

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Signing the Flight Certificates

Oliver signing the days flight certificates.

We are doing some demo flights today to expose the ship and test out the routes for our "Whidbey Island" and "Seattle" flightseeing tours.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Boeing Future of Flight Museum

Eureka, as seen from the "Stratos" event deck at the Boeing Future of Flight museum.

The local economic development council graciously invited us to participate at their summer networking event tonight.

(Click the image to see a larger version to best make out the airship on the field)

The Letter B

Just across from Aurora airport, the letter b.

Kate has a collection of letters from the air that would make a great poster.

Seattle Bound

Salem was a great success. We sold out the entire weekend, and started a waiting list for the possibility that we offer flights on the way back home in September.

As in many cases, it was the people we met that made it special -- from flying farmers over their own fields, to Naval Airship Veterans, to WW2 pilots that had flown missions over Friedrichshafen Germany and proud grandparents with their beaming grandchildren, the joy of airships was being felt in Oregon, and we look forward to being able to return in the future.

Now we head for Seattle.

Follow us here on the blog and on the tracking page as we make our way to Paine Field in Everett and look for us in the skies over Everett as we fly press and dignitaries this afternoon.

We will begin offering passenger flightseeing tours later in the week. To book, just call our reservations specialists at 650-969-8100x111.

We can't wait to see the sights of Seattle, and we hope as many of you as possible will join us!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lake Oswego

On the way to downtown Portland, Lake Oswego below.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kate's star turn.

Pilot Katharine Board explains her story to the press at Salem airport.


Home of Oregon State University.

Make Hay

Flying over lots of haystacks and bales of straw.

Eugene airport

The tower asked us to drop by - not everyday a Zeppelin comes to town.

Baseball in Eugene

I hope we didn't interrupt play too much!

Roseburg Airfield

Looks like they have enough space if we needed to land there!

Bridge construction on I-5

We just passed a place called Lookingglass.

Myrtle Creek

Making good time towards Salem, and passing lots of small communities on the way.


The pylons march across the mountains.


I'm sure you can imagine the views of all the forests from up here. But trees mean wood is abundant.

Off mast 0803

On our way to Salem. We will be back around Sept 9 to Medford. Thanks for being so hospitable to us!

Run ups

One of our two new crewmen, Alex, mans the extinguisher during the engine run ups.


Kate conducts a briefing before we get ready to leave for Salem. We will be leaving in about 40 minutes. Look out for us en route!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A bit of a sort out

While on the transit to Redding, as we had no passenger aboard, I took the opportunity to have a sort out. Under the rear love seat is a storage cubby where we keep many things like the seat belt extenders, children's life vests, manuals, the spare toilet roll, and the clean up kit for sickness or other bodily fluids. There's also a roll of duct tape. Fortunately we've not had to use the latter!