Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I see the mast truck!

Moments from landing in San Diego Brown Field

Del Mar Racetrack

iPhone photo does not do this justice!

Elijo Lagoon

I think from looking at a map!

Garden center?

Passing a massive garden center in Santa Barbara.

Hi Guys!

Passing the mast truck on Pacific Coast Highway!

Back at sea

Just cut back through the mountains at Gaviota pass, all is smooth


Sewage plant surrounded by pink ice plant.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Just masting on the backup truck!

Casting call

Jim is putting Eureka through her paces for the cameras.


Eureka had her 100hr maintenance done and is gett ing ready to move
from the main mast truck to the backup so we can send the main truck
to San Diego for tomorrow!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nearly Happy Birthday..

Eureka will be two tomorrow! It was a very cold and gray day when she finally took to the air.

Scroll back over the May 2008 archive to see what was happening back then. Boy, we've all come a long way together!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

X Prize Foundation

Airship Ventures is a proud sponsor of the 2010 X Prize Foundation gala event at the Presidio in San Francisco. Some of the competitions currently taking place are the Google Lunar X PRIZE, the Progressive Automotive X Prize and the Archon X Prize for Genomics.

Learn more at xprize.org

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Win an Airship Ventures Flight!

If you've seen the Farmers Airship flying, fill out this survey to win a flight and come aboard!

Check out the rules on Farmers.com

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mural in Lompoc

Seen by our ground crew while passing thru Lompoc on their way to Long Beach.

I think they need to update the "now" side of the mural to include Eureka!

(Thanks to Michael C. for sending along the pictures)