Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Great Moments in Text Messaging

As she flew over their practice field the other day, Eureka received a special text message from the Los Gatos High School Marching Band. Band members sprinted into formation to spell the word "HI."

Well done! What else can you do? Do you take requests? (Hint: marriage proposal formation freelancing!)

And, not to rain on their parade (yes, marching band pun), but check out this message, part of Nancy Regan's "Just Say No" campaign, circa 1988, performed right here in front of our building* at Moffett Field!

Image courtesy of Moffett Historical Museum.

* Check it out - we used to have a big blue awning in our main entryway!

1 comment:

  1. Kind of like skywriting in reverse. I guess it's exactly like that.

    These are pretty good, although it's hard to outdo the Nazca Indians of ancient South America. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazca_Lines).
