Saturday, November 1, 2008

Coming up for air

We've had a few messages from people wanting to know what the latest is. As you can all imagine, this first week has been more than a little busy with both the airship now here and all the team together. We also have been finishing the renovations to our new HQ and having office furniture installed so that we can all move into new spaces. And the team has been out inspecting and setting up the remote operations sites. To add to the mix, our first few days of operations had to be rescheduled due to the first major rains and winds of the season! Many of us have been working for weeks straight without decent breaks, and some time out has been necessary. We do have a large number of photos and stories about everything from the first entry into the Hangar through to the new offices and we'll get them up just as soon as we possibly can. Thanks for bearing with us as we get things launched!


  1. Howdy,

    So far, so good! Best of luck to you...
    Hey, what's with zeppelin in poster for film "Synecdoche, New York"? You can see zeppelin at top of poster... Is it a Zeppelin??
    Film is just now getting general and limited release. You can view the poster for film here:



  2. It's interesting that your "30+ sightings to upload" suddenly became 2 sightings.

  3. So are you guys going to put gigantic video screens on the side of the zeppelin? I'm looking forward to seeing advertisements for the Off-World Colonies!

  4. PS: Halloween Costume for a Zeppelin?

  5. Can't wait to see the NT over the City!

  6. That's OK. Between Halloween parties and the election, many of us have been "distracted" a bit too.

  7. Hello Anonymous
    We did upload 30+ sightings, but did them in chronological order. You'll find them all BEFORE the post I did where I said we had about 30 to upload.
