Friday, November 7, 2008

Bicycle Power

Look in the lower left of this photo - Matt enjoys checking out the
ship and hangar under pedal power.


  1. So where *is* the Zeppelin? I work close by Moffett Field, and have been taking the back roads (Manila Drive and H Street) so I can see the field and sneak a peek of the Zeppelin, but I don't know where to look. :-\

    Any tips on which way to crane my neck, and what hours to try? Just to tide me over until I can afford a ride. :-)

  2. That is hangar 2 in the background, and where we typically start our day. That end of the hangar is over near the field golf course. If you work near the field, best bet is just to be outside during the day -- you'll see it coming and going several times over the course of a day.

  3. I saw the airship this afternoon just after 4pm from the 85N to 280S connector ramp in Cupertino!

    Looking forward to seeing it more since I work in north Sunnyvale. It will be a nice change from the fighter jets (and other noisy airplanes) that occasionally fly over our building. I guess the problem will be that it will be hard to guess when you guys are out since we likely won't hear you from inside... Are you flying on any sort of regular schedule yet or is it just "whenever"?

  4. Thanks for the details! I did see the Zeppelin come in for a landing the other day. And Thursday, riding the shuttle to SFO, I kept catching glimpses of it gliding over the Bay. Such a great sight! I'm thrilled you're here.
