Monday, October 20, 2008

Approaching El Paso

After a few hours of sparsely populated desert, we are now on the
outskirts of El Paso.

Currently 4500 feet asl and a 5 knot tail wind.


  1. Have been tracking it since the departure. Finally over my house. What a sight. Fanastic!! My picture is not to bright due to the cloud, but it still looks wonderful to the naked eye. Safe flight!!!
    Oh by the way I was at the corner of Loop 375 and Carl lonquemere at 1:50.

  2. Do you have any idea when you might be approaching Tucson? This is exciting! I go nuts even when the MetLife or Fuji blimp is in town for a golf tournament!

  3. I found this blog from a link at the blog "All Cars, All the Time". What kind of power source does your ship have?

  4. We have 3 Lycoming IO-360 engines. 2 on the side, 1 on the rear that drives both the lateral fan, and the swiveling thrust.
