Saturday, June 21, 2008

Had to share

Google analytics helps us see what brings people to this blog. This one is definitely one of the more amusing. You see, if someone comes through to the website via a search engine, analytics tracks what the search term was.

In this case, I hope that the searcher eventually got the answer they were looking for. Oh, and the reason they ended up here was because of a piece Brian posted here.


  1. You have to love search engine statistical and analytical data. It is almost always amusing.

  2. Saw somebody else go wild on a City-Data forum site over the "nice rack" term on an automotive site [looking for a boat rack]. lol.

    But seriously, folks, you should be talking to CalFire before next year's fire season. What an observation / command & control platform you could provide for a serious incident such as the current fires going on in and around Big Sur. Plus the publicity factor for AV could be beyond belief.
