Monday, August 27, 2007

Driving Tests?

I'm detouring via the UK on my way back to California from a successful week in Friedrichshafen. Being a Brit, I have friends and family and always a number of bits and pieces to take care of. This trip I was able to find a short time to detour to Cardington while driving between the A1 and the M1 and I got to peek at the massive airship hangars there. I remember driving past them many times during my childhood and the story of the R100 and R101 is a fascinating one which I won't go into here. I couldn't find a way to get very close, the only road I could find advertised the home of the Driving Standards Agency - the place you go in the UK if you want to train to become a driving instructor. I did managed to find a good location where a short walk took me to a gap in the hedge to take a nice photo. Green and pleasant land indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck and my hopes are with you in this!

    Love to see a ZEP in the States!


    D.Clayton Meadows
    Author of OF ICE AND STEEL
