Monday, July 23, 2007

Airships: The Big, Bad and Bold

Today we stopped by the Anderson - Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum to meet briefly with their exhibit curator who had contacted us after seeing a press release about our airship plans. She is busy putting together a new exhibit that opens on August 12 called Airships: The Big, Bad and Bold and wanted some more information from us. She had visited Friedrichshafen but had been unable to fly the Zeppelin NT at the time, although she saw it in action.

Marilee took us into the partially completed exhibit area. There were already some gorgeous Art Deco airship prints on the walls and a tantalizing number of large model mounts waiting for a set of large scale models which we were told are being built locally. We also got to see some of the memorabilia and artifacts that will form part of this exhibit. My particular favorites were a set of ceramic zeppelins each with a British or European city coat of arms on them.

The Museum is closed on Mondays, but we were grateful for the sneak peak, and to see a 1:200 scale Graf Zeppelin that they have hanging in their main atrium. We will certainly be going back once the exhibit is open! It runs through December 31.

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