Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Ricardo, the KGO contest winner being interviewed.


Working on photo opps for KGO

Happy engineer

Rob from KGO who gets it all to work.


Oakland wakes up. Headed towards the Caldecott tunnel for a traffic

Breaking news....

Fire in Berkeley... Crews arrived and it's now out!

Coming up..

Jennifer waits for the next segment.


Joanne after some coffee! Waiting for the Sun to come up.

Getting the news

Jennifer Jones gets a script update as we cruise up hwy 101.

Dark O'Clock

Joanne (Director of Sales) and myself are already at our HQ this morning, just checking in the KGO folks for our live morning breakfast show from the air. It's calm outside and very very quiet! Yours truly is about to perform the safety briefing (yes - how the lifejackets work, the seatbelt and all that). In a small company such as ours, it helps to be able to do such things! I'll be on the flight for the show, so I'll post as the sun comes up. Now, where is the coffee...?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fun Visitor

Today we were delighted to meet with Marcelo da Luz, his team, and his solar powered car project. It was especially fun to have this UFO-like vehicle on the NASA airfield - perfect for staging a 'Take Me To Your Leader' photo caption! NASA are really encouraging green aviation and transportation ideas - some of our neighbors at NASA Ames include alternative algae based fuels.

Anyway, we think it looks great with Hangar One in the background, and with the airship.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Green Pint

A day early, but we're hoisting a green pint to St. Patrick at our "return to service" BBQ.

(Note the vintage Goodyear airship advertisement in the background.)

Test Flight..

Today is our 'return to flight' day after the annual maintenance. Eureka took to the air an hour or so ago after all the engine run up tests were completed. Our chief engineer, Matthew, just sent me this from his iphone... Fritz in the left seat, Jim in the right. Yay!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Light at the end of the tunnel

Our annual maintenance cycle is almost complete. We're looking forward to our "return to service" "lederhosen luncheon" party next week.

Stairway to...

What is the best way to get into the rear ballonet for inspection? The "belly button"!

[Brian seems to be fixated on this aspect of the airship! Here's his previous post on it. - Alex]

The gondola has been empty

For the past few weeks, the toilet and all of the seats and toilet have been removed. Soon enough everything will be replaced, all polished and ready to go for season 2.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our new mast truck coming along nicely

As much as we love the Mercedes and the MAN mast trucks, one day the MAN will go back to Germany, and we will have this new mast truck (built to US specifications) to take its place.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Handling: " A Little Floaty"

Yes, the Road and Track April Fools edition is up on the website featuring a test of our Zeppelin, "Eureka".
